"More Especially .....
a Brother Mason"
Huffman Masonic Lodge No. 1428 A.F. & A.M. is located at 2306 Third Street in Huffman, Texas at the intersection of Third Street and Yoakum. Stated meetings are held on the First and Third Mondays of each month. Fraternal fellowship begins at 6:00 pm followed by dinner at 6:15 and our Lodge Meeting at 7:00. Huffman Lodge is very active in the Huffman/Crosby area supporting our Masonic Widows and participating in local school programs such as the Huffman Fun Festival, Fantastic Teeth Program, Operation Backpack, and Read to Succeed Program. Our brothers provide food baskets and toys to needy families at Thanksgiving and Christmas, award the Mirabeau Lamar Medal to deserving and outstanding students in the Huffman and Crosby School Districts and scholarships for local graduating High School Seniors.
For a glimpse of our upcoming events click on the "Calendar" button below.
Huffman Masonic Lodge No. 1428
Huffman Lodge Officers
Joey Fick
Worshipful Master